

Email: abhinandan [at] imj-prg.fr

Office: 4 Pl. Jussieu, 75252 Paris, France

I am a postdoctoral fellow based at the IMJ-PRG, Sorbonne Université and supported by a Simons collaboration grant.

I am primarily interested in arithmetic geometry, in particular, p-adic Hodge theory and p-adic cohomology theories.

Previously, I was a JSPS postdoctoral fellow at The University of Tokyo for two years and a postdoc at the Université de Lille for six months.

Before that, I was a doctoral student at the Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux under the supervision of Denis Benois and Nicola Mazzari. Before joining the doctoral program, I was an ALGANT master student in Leiden and Bordeaux. Even before that, I was a software engineer.

My CV.


Proceedings: Finite crystalline height representations and syntomic complexes, RIMS Kôkyûroku No. 2269 (2023)

PhD Thesis: Finite height representations and syntomic complex, HAL thèses (2021)

Other writings:

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